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Anxiety & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Why might anxiety be experienced differently in people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD)?

Up to 50% of people with ADHD will also have anxiety, and with an anxiety disorder, ADHD symptoms can be intensified. Some of the key areas of ADHD that are also mirrored in anxiety disorders are:


  • Difficulty concentrating or paying attention

  • Inability to relax or feelings of restlessness

  • Trouble sleeping or insomnia


What increases anxiety in people with ADHD?

  • Hyperarousal: This is defined as a constant feeling of being on edge, which can mimic and exacerbate anxiety symptoms and make it difficult to relax.

  • Executive function challenges: People with ADHD might find it harder to plan, organise and regulate emotions, which can worsen anxiety symptoms.

  • Performance Anxiety: When you have ADHD, you might feel more anxious about failing or being rejected, which can make tests, work, or social situations more stressful. Find out more about dealing with test anxiety here.

  • Stress and coping mechanisms: Finding it hard to focus and dealing with expectations from others can lead to feelings of anxiety in people with ADHD.


How can someone with ADHD look after themselves if they feel anxious?

  • Add key events to your calendar

  • Use timers and alarms to keep on top of time blindness in ADHD

  • Body doubling can help you stay focused on tasks. This involves having another person with you while you work on things like tidying or doing your work in the same space. 

  • Keep a daily list of things you need to do. Writing everything down can help you visualise the tasks you need to complete to stay on track.


If I know someone with ADHD, what signs should I look out for to see if they're feeling anxious?

Every individual on the spectrum is different, and these are some anxious signs to look out for in people with ADHD.

  • They may be overstimulated more often, and short-tempered.

  • They may be finding it harder to sleep, so might be more sluggish and tired

  • Sometimes, they engage in risky activities, such as gambling or using more substances.


Where can I seek more support if I have anxiety and ADHD?

Please take a look at our signposting page if you feel like you need some more support. The NHS and NICE guidelines recommend that support for people with anxiety is the same regardless of any other disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.​​

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